
2 Government bills adopted in Senate
Senate study of 13 Government bills continues.

Ocean protection bill adopted in Senate
Bills to replace segregation in prisons and to modernize the military justice system advance to Senate committees for review.

PHOTOS | Senator Harder greets Japanese Prime Minister
The Government Representative in the Senate was part of a delegation that greeted Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe to Parliament Hill.

We must renew trust in global governance to meet challenges of 21st century
Government Representative in the Senate Peter Harder was in Waterloo to speak at a graduate student symposium.

Bill to replace segregation in prisons will improve the lives of federal inmates
Bill C-83 is sponsored by Independent Saskatchewan Senator Marty Klyne.

Government Representative in the Senate proposes schedule for votes on 11 bills
Senator Peter Harder gave notice of his programming motion in the Senate on Tuesday.

Increasingly independent Senate gives smaller provinces bigger voice
Senator Peter Harder met with Indigenous organizations and students in PEI.

Independent Senate gives smaller provinces bigger voice
Senator Peter Harder talks Senate renewal in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Celebrating 40 years of privately sponsored refugees in Canada
Over the past 40 years, the agreement has transformed the lives of the 327,000 privately-sponsored refugees.

UNDRIP legislation ‘a framework for reconciliation’: Sen. Harder
Legislation in support of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was introduced by NDP MP Romeo Saganash.