
Senate debates medical assistance in dying bill
Senator Chantal Petitclerc is sponsoring the legislation in the Senate.

Senate adopts pandemic relief bill for Canadian businesses
Bill C-9 received Royal Assent on Thursday.

Senate approves pre-study on pandemic relief bill for Canadian businesses
Standing Senate Committee on National Finance to study the subject matter of Bill C-9.

Senate gets head start on medical assistance in dying bill
Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs to examine subject matter of Bill C-7.

Statement on the senseless attacks in Quebec City
Senator Marc Gold delivered a statement in the Senate following the October 31 attack that killed two and injured five.

Senate approves hybrid sitting model
Senators who are unable to travel to Ottawa will be able to participate in Senate sittings virtually as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

Senate adopts COVID-19 aid bill
Senator Marc Gold, the Government Representative in the Senate, thanked Senator Tony Dean for sponsoring Bill C-4 in the Senate.

A physically distanced Speech from the Throne
Governor General Julie Payette delivered the speech to a smaller-than-usual audience on September 23.

New laws in the first session of the 43rd Parliament
List of Government bills that became law in the first session of the 43rd Parliament.

Senate approves new measures in response to COVID-19
The Senate was recalled July 27 amid the ongoing pandemic.