New Laws
Bills are proposed laws that vary in size, effect and the public interest they receive. Here, you’ll find out about recently passed bills and the important role of the Senate in shaping legislation for Canadians.

New Laws
Bill C-21: Securing Canada’s borders with a coordinated entry/exit system
The Government accepted a Senate amendment to legislation that enables the collection of basic biographic information about people leaving Canada, while respecting individual privacy rights.

New Laws
Bill C-65: Preventing workplace harassment and violence
This new law strengthens the existing framework for the prevention of harassment and violence in federally regulated and parliamentary workplaces.

New Laws
Bill C-45: Legalizing and regulating cannabis in Canada
This new law sets out controls for the production, distribution, sale and possession of cannabis in Canada.

New Laws
Bill C-46: Life-saving legislation against impaired driving
This new law gives law enforcement the necessary resources to further deter and detect impaired driving.

New Laws
Bill S-5: Plain packaging for tobacco and vaping regulations
Bill S-5 creates a new federal regime to regulate vaping products and delivers on a government commitment to implement plain packaging for tobacco products.

New Laws
Bill C-25: Corporate transparency and diversity on corporate boards
The Senate improved a bill that increases corporate transparency and diversity on corporate boards.

New Laws
Bill C-70: More self-determination for two northern Quebec First Nations
The new law modernizes the governance models for the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee and the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach.

New Laws
Bill S-2: Vehicle dealers protected thanks to Senate work on recall bill
This new law gives the Minister of Transport new vehicle recall powers.

New Laws
Bill C-61: Self-determination in education for the Anishinabek Nation
This new law enables 23 participating First Nations to assume full control over Anishinabek education on reserve and to deliver a culturally-relevant curriculum to student.

New Laws
Bill S-3: Removing sex-based inequities from the Indian Act
This bill enshrines in law the removal of all gender discrimination in the Indian Act.