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Senate adopts COVID-19 support bill

Bill C-24 received Royal Assent on March 17.

Legislation designed to further support Canadians through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been adopted in the Senate.

Bill C-24 makes “significant yet prudent changes” by extending temporary measures to help Canadians access simplified Employment Insurance benefits, explained Senator Patti LaBoucane-Benson, the sponsor of the bill in the Senate.

“Since the beginning of this pandemic, the Government of Canada has had to continuously adapt its policy and legislative response to ensure Canadians have the supports they need to navigate through this challenging period, particularly from an economic perspective,” she said.

Additionally, the legislation details that those in mandatory quarantine or isolation due to non-essential travel are not eligible for any recovery benefits during that time period, retroactive to October 2020.

“The Government of Canada has been clear from the beginning that no one should be engaging in non-essential travel abroad during the pandemic,” said Senator LaBoucane-Benson.

“In January of this year, the Government of Canada became aware of reports that the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit could be accessed by travellers vacationing abroad for the quarantine period. Once made aware of this loophole, the government signalled its intent to rectify this issue.”

Senate adopts COVID-19 support bill