Holiday tax break among 3 new laws
Legislation to establish a Justice Review Commission also received Royal Assent.
A two-month tax break on essential holiday goods is one of three Government bills that became law in December.
Bill C-78 implements a temporary GST/HST holiday between December 14, 2024 and February 15, 2025 for certain taxable supplies, such as groceries, restaurant meals, drinks, snacks, children’s clothing, and gifts.
Key bills that also received Royal Assent ahead of Parliament’s winter break include:
Bill C-40 establishes an independent commission to review, investigate and decide which criminal cases should be returned to the justice system due to a potential miscarriage of justice.
Bill C-79 grants funds towards defraying charges and expenses of the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.
A Government bill that originated in the Senate was also adopted and sent to the House of Commons for consideration. Bill S-15 would create offences related to keeping elephants and great apes in captivity.
The Senate sitting is set to resume in the new year, on Tuesday, February 4.
Earlier this fall, six other key pieces of legislation became law.
Bill C-20 establishes an enhanced independent review and complaints body for the Canada Border Services Agency and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Bill C-49 enables the development of offshore wind energy projects in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador.
Bill C-64 paves the way for national universal pharmacare in Canada, enabling the federal government to provide free coverage for contraception and diabetes medications.

Pyramid Mountain in Jasper National Park.
Bill C-76 helps speed up efforts for Jasper to rebuild following a devastating wildfire by enabling the transfer of land-use planning and development authorities from Parks Canada to the municipality.
Bill S-13 amends the federal Interpretation Act to include a non-derogation clause on upholding section 35 Aboriginal and treaty rights.
Bill S-16 implements sections of an agreement with the Haida Nation that recognizes rights of governance and self-determination.