Ministers return to Senate Question Period
Federal ministers appeared regularly at Senate Question Period during the 42nd Parliament.
The Senate adopted a motion to allow federal ministers to appear at Question Period in the Red Chamber.
Ministers will be invited to appear in the Senate at least once every second week to answer questions about their ministerial responsibilities.
Senator Marc Gold, the Government Representative in the Senate, said his office will issue invitations to particular ministers following consultations with the leaders and facilitators of all Senate groups.
The motion allows for the appearance of a minister, and the questioning of a minister, to be undertaken in a hybrid format.
“This innovation, of having ministers appear on a regular basis, has proven beneficial for both senators – who have had the opportunity to ask direct questions relating to the specific responsibilities of the minister – and to the ministers – who have become better acquainted with the priorities of their Senate colleagues,” Senator Gold said.
The practice of federal ministers appearing at Senate Question Period began in February 2016 and continued through the 42nd Parliament. As the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the Parliamentary calendar during the 43rd Parliament, Ministerial Question Period was not put in place.