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Senate adopts aid bill for dairy sector

The Senate also approved the nomination of Karen Hogan as the next Auditor General of Canada.

The Canadian dairy sector received a financial boost to help weather their pandemic-related losses thanks to legislation adopted in the Senate on Friday.

Bill C-16 increases the Canadian Dairy Commission’s borrowing authority to $500 million so that it can increase its storage programs to assist the industry in balancing supply and demand variations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau appeared before the Senate during a two-hour Committee of the Whole to answer questions about the legislation.

Senator Marc Gold, the Government Representative in the Senate, thanked Senator Rob Black, a leader in agricultural and rural issues, for sponsoring Bill C-16 in the Senate.

The Senate also resolved itself into Committee of the Whole to hear from Karen Hogan, who has been nominated to be the next Auditor General of Canada. The Senate approved the nomination, which must still be approved by the House of Commons.

After Bill C-16 received Royal Assent, the Senate adjourned until June 2 – an extended break in an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19 – but could be recalled sooner should the need arise.

The Senate has been recalled on three different occasions during the public health crisis to deal with emergency legislation.

On March 25, the Senate adopted Bill C-13, the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act, to help ensure Canadians get the support they need during the pandemic. On April 11, the Senate adopted Bill C-14, which implemented an emergency wage subsidy for businesses, among other measures. On May 1, the Senate adopted Bill C-15, the Canada Emergency Student Benefit Act, to assist students who lost work and income opportunities due to the virus.

Senate adopts aid bill for dairy sector